Archive for March, 2016
Breast Augmentation – Choosing the Right Implant
Breast augmentation surgery is designed to help improve the appearance of your breasts and boost your body image and satisfaction. An important part of this process is deciding the size and shape of breasts you want as well as what type of implants will best meet your expectations. There are 3 basic types of implants […]
What You Need to Know Before Your Surgery
Any surgery, even plastic surgery, is invasive and your ability to recover and heal will depend in part on how well you prepare ahead of time. You should begin to prepare for plastic surgery procedures as soon as 3 weeks before your scheduled surgery, and the sooner you start, the faster your body will heal. […]
3 Natural Ways to Fight Loose Facial Skin
Loose and sagging skin can rob a woman of her self-confidence. Fight back using these 3 natural methods! Avoid the 3 S’s. Loose and sagging facial skin is a tough problem to solve. An easy step to improving the overall health and elasticity of your skin is to avoid the 3 S’s; (1) Sun Damage […]