Jane Huff : A timeless beauty

Being an active and attractive 68 – year old, Jane Huff found herself considering how best to naturally refresh her neckline and face. A resident of Myrtle Beach, she had heard of and met Dr. O some years back. Jane reflects, “I did my research and all signs pointed toward Dr. Sonny O. He is experienced in facial plastic surgery, has an excellent reputation, and I liked the idea of a lift without as much downtime or anesthesia.” She chose to come to the Mt. Pleasant office for a consultation. Together, she and Dr. O decided the Timeless Lift would produce the best results for the least amount of downtime.
View Jane’s pre-procedure video discussing how she made her Timeless Lift choice. http://www.drsonnyo.com/facial-plastic-surgery-charleston-sc/neck-lift/
Lasting natural results with less downtime occurred for Jane shortly after her consultation. An in-office procedure, Jane and Dr. O discuss who is candidate, what time is required, and what results can be expected from the Timeless Lift with news correspondent, Erin Kienzle. View their brief, but informative segment here http://www.drsonnyo.com/.


Following Jane’s segment, she shared with other people considering the Timeless Lift, “Don’t wait. I am so pleased with the results. Once I made the decision, the rest was easy. I just did what Dr. O said and my results spoke for themselves.” View Jane’s comments after the Timeless Lift: http://www.drsonnyo.com/facial-plastic-surgery-charleston-sc/timeless-lift/.
*All Patients are Unique and No Results are Typical. Your Results May Vary.