Patient testimonial – unfiltered IPl Story

Ah, youth. Sun tanning on the roof with baby oil. Baking in tanning beds. Does anyone remember that? My skin does. It remembers it with pigmentation and wrinkles. That cute spray of freckles across my face morphed into ugly sun spots. My teenage self would never have walked around with my nose white with zinc. My headed to 50 soon self is left with redness and newfound sympathy for Rudolph. The pesky wrinkles appear in silent judgement of the hats not worn and the driver side of my face not shielded. This year I decided not to let my juvenile sun exposure mistakes get the better of my current, savvier skin care routine. Intense Pulse Light (IPL) to the rescue.

What is an IPL or Photofacial?

Cutting through the noise of many unproven anti-aging treatments, IPL has a proven track record for the following:

  • reduce lines and wrinkles,
  • produce new collagen,
  • erase sun spots and age spots, and
  • even skin tone (including rosacea, hyperpigmentation).

In addition, the efficacy of IPL in the treatment of acne grades 1-4 showed a 49.19% reduction after 4 sessions (1). Often referred to as IPL Photofacial or Fotofacial, intense pulse light treatment is a 30-minute procedure in which intense pulses of light are used to penetrate deep into the skin. IPL™ photorejuvenation then causes collagen and blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict, reducing redness and age lines.

The procedure involves minimal discomfort, while the redness and swelling that sometimes occur after treatment disappear shortly. Translation. It hurts like heck for a short, tolerable period of time. Grin and bear it applies. Most benefits of a photofacial/ fotofacial occur gradually in the weeks following treatment. For even greater cosmetic enhancement, patients combine the IPL with injectables. Dr. Sonny O, an experienced plastic surgeon, performs injections. Sandy Clay, LPN, a 20-year veteran of lasers and IPL treatments, performs the IPL. The combination is called Timeless Glow.

Before & After
Before & After

* Individual results may vary.


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Check out my before and afters. This is just after 3. I’ll send the after 4th one soon. The 4th is where I saw the biggest collagen uptick. Treatment 1 & 2 I saw the most skin toning, and spots and redness reduction. Treatment 3 was the easiest with the least swelling. I saw more of a radiance effect with that treatment. However, that’s when Sandy decided to turn the level up on me a little more for the 4th! Holy collagen production.

IPL in Laymen’s Terms

  1. It is an affordable option that achieved noticeable results. Use “ Friends” to receive the $99.00 IPL.
  2. You should never, never do IPL unless the provider has experience. Sandy does. It means she uses the correct level matched to your skin. It also means she is fast and effective. During the treatment you will appreciate the fast part – later, the effective aspect. View the video attached to meet Sandy and see her walk through the treatment with a patient.
  3. It is not a laser. Unlike a laser which emits one specific wavelength of light, IPL delivers a broad spectrum of light onto the skin’s surface to correct a wider area of damaged skin cells with each pulse.
  4. It takes more than one treatment. Buying a package of three or four is smart. IPL treatments are typically conducted as a series of treatments at intervals, and the skin begins to take on a more youthful and clear appearance with each session. How many treatments are required to achieve the desired results will vary for each patient’s initial level of skin damage. Red headed (before the grey came) and freckle faced, I needed 4 treatments. **My pics above are only after 3. I am planning on three more to keep stimulating the collagen and evening my skin tone. A few stubborn spots need another jolt.
  5. Downtime is minimal if at all. After my first treatment I went to Thanksgiving dinner with a large group. The IPL brings the dark spots to the surface creating a “peppering” effect. It is oddly satisfying to see the sun damage rise to the surface and, over the course of two weeks, fall off in the sink. My first treatment had the most peppering. My 4th treatment has the most visible collagen production. I called Kylene, the nurse manager, and said, “I have these small swollen places almost like bad bug bites this time, is that normal?” She responded enthusiastically. “That’s great – that means you are stimulating Collagen!” Well, yay! Bring on the swelling. Those little swollen pockets went down in a day. I could see the difference in the areas that responded.
  6. It hurts. Yep. It does. Sandy is fast. It hurts so good though. Find your happy place and go there. And, I’m buying three more. It’s doable.
  7. Less than an hour in and out. If you combine with injectables (Timeless Glow), get an even better result! Dr. Sonny O does the injections. I like that it’s the doctor and he looks at the face as a whole result – versus just spot treatment. Natural results. He does lean toward using a lot, so specify if the units are over your comfort level. I did. Scheduling can be worked out with the staff as injectables and IPL are done at different times, not simultaneously.
  8. Protect yourself afterwards. IPL can be done on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, shoulders and more. Anywhere you chose to attack sun damage and aging with intense pulse light should be protected by sunscreen following. I keep a hat in the car now and always include sunscreen on my face before starting the day. Reapply frequently if doing an outdoor activity. Talk to Laura, Dr. Sonny O’s skincare concierge, about some good sunscreen options. It’s time to invest in a good product. Remember, you’re all grown up now. Discounts apply.
  9. Bank it. Want the discount, but aren’t ready to do the procedure. Buy it and bank if for later.

IPL procedures are proven safe and effective. No anesthetic is required. Sandy’s sessions include a very nice cool down to calm the skin. In many cases, Photofacials offer near-instant results. You can customize the treatment to your specific skin problems and treat larger areas of skin simultaneously as desired. Thank you Hunter Kerrison for sharing your story.

Take advantage of the $99.00 Special by scheduling your appointment today. Remember to mention “Friends” as the promo code when scheduling online or calling the office at 843-388-4939. Special pricing on other services too such as laser hair removal, skin revitalization, and more when combining with IPL. This special is good through 10/31/2018.

1. Indian J Dermatol. 2010 Oct-Dec; 55(4): 370–372.doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.74550
PMCID: PMC3051300
PMID: 21430893