Aging in your 50’s

Age is just a number. And if you choose the right plastic surgeon, that will be a number noone can guess! More and more patients in their 50,s, 60’s, and 70’s are turning to plastic surgery to look as young as they feel. Dr. Sonny O works with patients of all ages, and can pinpoint which procedures and products are best for each age range. Many people in their 50’s who would earlier in life be reluctant to receive plastic surgeon are now happy to achieve natural looking results with the help of a reputable plastic surgeon, like Dr. Sonny O. Below are his recommendations for the patient in their 50’s.
Face – FaceTite or Mini Facelift
Most patients come in with worries about their age showing in their face. Explains Dr. O, “In today’s times we want results fast. We are tired of looking in the mirror and realizing that regardless of how we feel, our face just shows our age.” There are 2 options, including a minimally invasive one, that a person in their 50’s would likely consider: A Mini FaceLift or FaceTite
FaceTite helps patients achieve surgical results without the scars or stitches. FaceTite is a new radio frequency procedure approved by the FDA to safely deliver targeted results. This is perfect for those in their 50’s who want a less invasive procedure to address sagging neck, jowl, and cheek area skin. Says Dr. Sonny O, “FaceTite provides powerful aesthetic results previously only achievable by surgical means.”
Want a little more? Consider the Mini FaceLift. The goal of face lift surgery is to help restore a youthful appearance to the face that has been damaged by exposure to the elements and subjected to the forces of time. Explains Dr. O, “This is not your Grandmother’s Facelift. Now patients have options and minimally invasive Facelift requires little downtime, and natural results.”
Filler – Restylane or Juvederm
Many patients are familiar with fillers by the time they are in their 50’s. But age can determine which filler may see the best results. Dr. O performs a facial analysis and determines the best places to fill in and rejuvenate. He often recommends Restylane Lyft for this age group. He states, “As we age, lines start getting deeper, and we begin to lose volume in our face. Restylane Lyft not only fills the lines but brings them up to the skin. It truly lifts them and provides natural, instant results that lasts several months up to 1 year.”
Product – SkinCeuticals
By 50, most have tried every miracle cream and still not found the magic potion. Dr.O suggests cleaning out the excess products and using a specific product line for aging skin. Specifically, the SkinCeuticals Anti-Aging Kit. This kit contains a day serum, a night serum and a moisturizer–and purchased together provides significant savings with lasting results.
Don’t forget about Laser Resurfacing
In the 50’s the hormonal levels start shifting. Usually one’s skin starts aging, and becomes more dull with less elasticity. A full face laser resurfacing would be the best bet with fastest.
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Dr. Sonny O, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a highly experienced plastic surgeon for surgical and non-invasive rejuvenation. To learn more about services: