Eyelid Surgery Gaining in Popularity in the World

According to the latest information in an ISPAS Global Survey as reported in the Econo Times, not only is eyelid surgery is most commonly performed on women. The survey also goes on to say that eyelid surgery is now the 3rd most popular form of aesthetic surgery currently being performed around the globe. By the numbers, this type of surgery makes up 13.1 percent of all cosmetic surgery procedures.
Going further into the numbers, you might be surprised to find that 78.2 % of all eyelid surgeries are performed on women, totaling 988,620 surgeries. Men make up for the other 21.8% for a total of 276,082 surgeries. Brazil has the highest number of eyelid surgeries at 143,165, with the U.S. coming in a close second at 141,505 procedures. While you might not expect it, these numbers indicate that men are just as concerned about their appearance as women. For decades women have been the ones who seem most concerned about maintaining their youthful appearance, now it seems as though men are taking a much keener interest in retaining a youthful appearance.
Eyelid Surgery: By the Numbers
All of these numbers were generated based on information regarding both surgical and non-surgical eyelid lifts occurring in 2015. The information was gathered from questionnaires that were sent out to approximately 35,000 ISPAS members around the world. The information was then tabulated and submitted to an independent research firm for validation and verification.
Eyelid surgery is performed to help reduce bagginess that occurs on a person’s lower eyelids as a result of aging and exposure to the elements. The surgery is performed to remove excess skin from both upper and lower eyelids and is most commonly done for aesthetic reasons. It can also be used to help improve eyesight in the elderly as a result of sagging upper eyelids.
Learn More About Eyelid Surgery
If you are interested in learning more about eyelid surgery, contact us at (843)405-7818. We can schedule your free initial consultation where Dr. O will go over your health and your expectations to see if you are a good candidate for this type of surgery.